Thursday, February 5, 2009

FVES Mornings

Ok, just a small vent. Every morning we (Jay & I) have the same routine. After we either drop Anna off @ the Hunt's or leave her with Daddy, we head to FVES.

We have our famous 3 questions.
1. Whose going to be the best boy today?
2. Whose not going to get on the yellow or red light? (Jay is known for both of these)
3. Who loves their Mom?

Ok three easy answers.

Well today, after our three famous questions, we are sitting there waiting for Jay to get out. Ok you see the orange cone, we were a car behind that. Well we sit there and we sit there and we sit there. I start watching the clock and we are still sitting there 5 mins later. Some mom had stopped her car in the drop off lane and went inside to take something to her kid. COME ON! And for those of you who do not know Jay's school, the drop-off/pick-up lane is really one lane only. Some teachers and the principal park on half of the lane (which is probably marked). But other than that, if someone stops in front of you, You are most likely just going to be STUCK there.

Ok, since I got to voice my frustrations, I'm over it!

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