Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Me + Pollen = No Voice = Laughter

Don't you just love coming out to your car to see a nice yellow layer of pollen everywhere? Well, not me! Pollen means allergies. Pollen is itchy eyes. Pollen is runny nose. Pollen is scratchy throat. And Pollen loves to play with my vocal cords.

The past few days I have fought to keep my voice. I'll be fine one minute... then cough... and it's gone. Then wait 10-20 mins... cough again... and it's back. Today, I have been the point of laughter for my co-worker, Brittni. She has laughed at me more than once. I was perfectly fine until my cup of joe. After a few mins, I coughed and low and behold my voice went. We both got a good laugh when I was trying to catch someone's attention. I called his name and nothing came out. And when I say nothing... NOTHING! All I could do was snap, clap and bang on my desk to get his attention. And instead of helping get his attention, what does Ms. B do... she laughs and laughs and laughs. Finally she does get his attention. But we were all 3 laughing by the time it was over. But thankfully, with the help of water and mentho-lyptus cough drops, it's slowly coming back!

Now if it will just rain! Lots of rain! Take the pollen away please!!!

1 comment:

  1. I hope the rain come tommorrow!! and takes all your pollen problems away I hate it to not because of allergies but cause you cant send the kids out to play without them coming back in looking like spongebob. Hope you get to feeling better
